1. Government type
2. Government type
3. Fiduciary type
4. Fiduciary type
5. Proprietary type
Given the following:
Government type of funds is a form of fund which is used to account for the daily services delivered by the government.
Fiduciary type of funds is a form of fund which is used to account for resources held by the government as a trustee on behalf of others.
Proprietary type of funds is a form of fund which is used to account for governmental activities that perform similarly to private sector enterprises such that they charge fees for services.
Hence, we have the following:
a. To construct a new highway - Government type
b. To pay salaries of personnel who maintain state parks - Government type
c. To accumulate resources to pay pension benefits for its employees - Fiduciary type
d. To collect sales taxes on behalf of local governments that impose such a tax - Fiduciary type
e. To operate a central printing department that prints forms and reports for all state departments - Proprietary type