
If 575,250 calories of energy are available at the first trophic level, calculate the number of calories available to the 2, 3 and the 4 level

Respuesta :

Answer: See explanation


The trophic level of an organism simply refers to the position that is occupied by an organism in a food web. It should be noted that in the next trophic level, only 10% of the energy will be available. Therefore,

1st trophic level = 575,250 calories of energy.

2nd trophic level = 575,250 × 10% = 57525 Calories of energy.

3rd trophic level = 57525 × 10% = 5752.50 Calories of energy

4th trophic level = 5752.50 × 10% = 575.25 Calories of energy