1) What sort of materials would have been needed to build catalhoyuk?

2) What types of jobs would people have needed to do to build housing?

3) How would life be different in a village with thousands of people than with a group of 50 hunters and gatherers?

4) What new problems might have developed as larger numbers of people gathered in villages like this?

5) What types of solutions did people develop in response to these problems?

6) People have always had to deal with death and bodies of people who have died. How would that have changed as people moved into settled communities? What did the people in catalhoyuk do? What do we do today that is different?

7) What new social institutions, rules, or customs might have been needed to address other new problems of living in a settled community? How would they have solved the problems of food distribution or crime and violence? How do we solve them today?

8) How do we learn about people living during this time of history and whats limits our ability to know more? What kind of educated guesses do archaeologists have to make, and why do they have to guess at all?