In order to determine if using technology has a negative effect on memory, researchers devised an experiment with 50 college aged students. Each student was given a list of 50 facts from US History to type into a computer. ½ of the students were told that the information was going to be saved on the computer and ½ were told that the information was going to be deleted once they logged out, for comparion and control. The next day, both groups were given a 20 item quiz that on some of the information from the previous day. The researchers found that the group that thought there information was going to be saved on the computer, only remembered an average of 5 items, where the ones who did not think their information would be saved remembered an average of 12 items.

Match the number to the letter

1. Independent Variable
2. Dependent Variable
3. Control Condition
4. Experimental Condition

A. Whether the subjects were told the information was to be saved or deleted
B. The number of items that were remembered
C. The group told their information would be SAVED
D. The group told their information would be DELETED