
Read each of the poems below and identify examples of

the techniques. Record your examples on the lines

provided. Scroll all the way to the bottom to see both


Sonic Boom

I'm sitting in the living room

When, up above, the Thump of Doom

Resounds. Relax. It's sonic boom.

The ceiling shudders at the clap,

The mirrors tilt, the rafters snap,

And Baby wakens from his nap.

"Hush, babe. Some pilot we equip,

Giving the speed of sound the slip,

Has cracked the air like a penny whip."

Our world is far from frightening; I

no longer strain to read the sky

Where moving fingers (jet planes) fly.

Our world seems much too tame to die.

And if it does, with one more pop,

I shan't look up to see it drop.

by John Updike

1. Rhyme Scheme (1st six lines):

2. Imagery:

3. Onomatopoeia:

4. Onomatopoeia:

5. Alliteration :

6. Alliteration :

6. Simile:

7. Metaphor (stanza #1):​