HI, can you help me pls, I don't know nothing of this type of spanish pls

Instrucciónes: Formule enunciados compuestos a partir del modelo generador.
1. EC P1 + nex coord + P2
2. EC Pp + nex sub + Ps + Pp
3. ES SN + SV + 2SC
4. EC Pp + nex sub + Ps
5. EC P1 + nex coord + P2 + nex coord + P3
Instrucciones: realice los modelos generadores de los siguientes enunciados complejos coordinados y
1. La mariposa no vuela ni el viento sopla.
2. El caballo negro que transportaba a Evaluna era de raza árabe.
3. La costurera, la cual es muy cumplida, nos hará los disfraces.
4. Tu familia es de grandes profesionales por tanto tú no debes decepcionarlos.
5. La banda llegó y la fiesta comenzó a animarse.


Respuesta :


Instructions: Make compound sentences from the generator model.

1. EC P1 + nex coord + P2


2. EC Pp + nex sub + Ps + Pp


3. ES SN + SV + 2SC


4. EC Pp + nex sub + Ps


5. EC P1 + nex coord + P2 + nex coord + P3



Directions: Make the generative models of the following complex coordinated statements and


1. The butterfly does not fly and the wind does not blow.


2. The black horse that was carrying Evaluna was Arab.


3. The seamstress, who is very accomplished, will make the costumes for us.


4. Your family is made up of great professionals so you should not disappoint them.


5. The band arrived and the party began to liven up.

i'm not the best with spanish either lol, so i hope this is correct and hope it helps you :D <3