It is time to add more terms to the concept map you have been developing. For this addition we will be adding terms from both the Integument System and Osseous Tissue modules. Please use ALL of the terms below, including ones in image.

adipose tissue osteoblasts
central canal osteoclast
collagen osteocyte
compact bone osteoprogenitor (osteogenic)
concentric lamellae papillary layer
dense irregular CT periosteum
dermis reticular layer
diaphysis sebaceous glands
endosteum spongy bone
epidermis stratum basale
epiphysis stratum corneum
hydroxyapatite stratum granulosum
hypodermis stratum lucidum
loose areolar CT stratum spinosum
medullary cavity sudoriferous glands

It is time to add more terms to the concept map you have been developing For this addition we will be adding terms from both the Integument System and Osseous T class=