can somebody please give me some good ideas i’m not asking to write a speech or anything i just don’t know what i can write about

Write a speech or a letter to an individual, organization/company, or group of any kind, that proposes a meaningful change (a solution to) in your
community related to the issues raised in these readings. In your speech or letter, make an argument both describing a particular tyranny or challenge (the
problem) and then proposing changes that may improve the lives of those who endure it (the solution). Extra credit if you record it.
1. Choose a problem in our community, related to one of the language/gender/culture issues found in our readings, that you can write about and on
which you can offer a solution (by our next class).
2. Decide on an audience to give your speech to or to address your letter to. Like Butler, Tannen, Brooks, Young, and Lorde, you may use your own or
others' personal experiences, hypothetical situations, and reflections to make your case. And of course, you should include any details from any of the
five authors in this module that support your position (by the class after that).
3. Write the speech or letter and then re-write it a bunch of times until it's perfect (by the class after that),