Can you help plz and fast need translation by 4 pm central time Clemens fortiter templo discessit, per portam ex urbe festinavit et Nuceriam petivit.
"fortasse Quintus ad nos contendebat ubi nos ad urbem reveniebamus," sibi
cogitavit Clemens, "fortasse filius ad urbem nunc revenit."
subito servus vocem notissimam audivit. in terrā prope viam quaerebat
et Grumionem conspexit. coquus ebrius in terra iacebat et lacrimabat.
"Grumio!" clamavit Clemens. "cur tu in terra iaces? quid accidit?
"quis es tu?" rogavit coquus, "vinumne habes? vinum me delectat!
mons Vesuvius mē non delectat! dā mihi vinum!"
"Grumio, tū ebrius es! mihi non placet! ubi est Quintus? Caecilius mortuus est."
"Caecilius mortuus est?" inquit Grumio. quam felix est Caecilius! Grumio non
mortuus est: nemo est in felicior quam Grumio! quis es tū?"
Clemens sum! in villa tecum laborabam! ubi est Quintus?"
"Quintus mortuus est! Grumio non mortuus est! nemo est ..."
subito Clemens Grumionem pulsavit. coquus nunc exanimalus iacebat. tum Clemens
deae Isidi dixit, "custodi hunc stultissimum servum, dum ego amicum quaero!"
tum Clemens per viās festinabat.

Respuesta :


Clemens strongly left temple through the gate of the city, she quickly chain sought.

"Perhaps we have strived to fifth when we went to the city reveniebamus," the

Clement planned, "perhaps his son back to the city now."

He heard the voice of the servant of a sudden, was not well known. he sought the way of the land near the

And Grumionem sight. The cook was lying dr unk on the ground and crying.

"Grumius!" voice did. "Why are you lying on the ground? What has happened?

"what are you?" The cook asked, "vinumne you? wine delights me!

Mount Ves uvius delights me not! give me a dr ink! "

"Grumius, you could be drunk! I do not like! Where is the fifth? Younger di ed."

"Younger is de ad?" says he Grumius. Younger than happy! it tastes

He died, no one is more successful than Grumius! what are you?"

Clement am! I worked with in the village! where is the fifth? "

"The fifth di ed! Grumius not dead! There is ..."

Clement Grumionem suddenly knocked on the door. The cook now lying breathless. then Clement

Goddess Isis said, "keep this st upid slave long as I am your friend!"

Clement then viās in a hurry.


I do not know but I’m sorry tho, hope you pass toh