o What effect will an increased heart rate have on blood pressure?
o What effect will a decreased heart rate have on blood pressure?
o What relationship will water volume have on blood pressure?
o What relationship will blood volume have on blood pressure?
o Be able to identify the following on a diagram..........
• Atrial Depolarization
• Atrial Repolarization
Ventricular Depolarization
Ventricular Repolarization
o Be able to explain what is measured by each of the
• T Wave
o Which layer(s) do all blood vessels have in common?
o Describe the structure and function of capillaries.
o What role does smooth muscle play in blood vessels, and where
is it located?
• Which type of blood vessel is the thickest?
o Which type of blood vessel has the greatest amount of blood
o What allows arteries to increase in size as they become filled
with blood?
What role do valves play in blood flow?