Respuesta :

the word holocaust is great devastation and loss of many lives in very little time
an example of a holocausts is in world war to with the Nazi (Adolf Hitler) and the Jewish


In reality, Holocaust means "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war."

 "a nuclear holocaust"

But in historical context, it means "a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned completely on an altar. "


Well, the word Holocaust actually means "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. " (Via OxfordLanguages) but in most cases when people say the word the Holocaust, they are referring to the awful killing and torture of 6 million Jewish children, men, and women during WW2. The word Holocaust is derived from the Greek holokauston, a translation of the Hebrew wordʿolah, meaning a burnt sacrifice offered whole to God. This word was chosen, and gained wide usage, because, in the ultimate manifestation of the Nazi killing program—the extermination camps—the bodies of the victims were consumed whole in crematoria or open fires.