
4-Step Art Critique Due today

All students will be taking a quiz today. Your quiz will be written . You will do a Formal Art Critque on the artwork below. Yesterday we critiqued "Don't Let That Shadow Touch Them" by Lawrence Beall Smith. Today you will do the same 4 step critique but on your own. You will use Henri Matisse's art called "Two Dancers" . This art is abstract (not realistic) and is made from cut paper in 1937. PLease write your ccritique on your paper, then take a pic and upload it here.

Today my target is to: Complete a formal art critique on this artwork.

So that I can: learn to critique art in a structured way

I will know I have it when: I have included Discription, Analysis, Interpretation and Judgement. Note-Please write 4 sentences/statements for each. So you will describe 4 things you see, Analyse 4 things, write 4 sentences in your interpretation and write 4 statements in your judgement.

Remember, for

DESCRIPTION---Write about what things, people, colors you see, List the facts. Don't interpret, don't read into the meaning of it.

ANALYSIS----Write about how the artwork was composed . Use the Elements of Art and Principles of Design terms. Here is where you speak like an artist.

INTERPRETATION----Write about what you think the artwork means or what the artist was trying to say and justify it by referring to evidence in the artwork

JUDGEMENT-----Write about if you like it or not and WHY. Write about if you think the artist was successful or not in getting their point across. Justify your answers with evidence from the artwork

4Step Art Critique Due today All students will be taking a quiz today Your quiz will be written You will do a Formal Art Critque on the artwork below Yesterday class=