Prove that the AHi' for BrF is the same when calculated with Hess's Law and sum of the AH' for BrF
1. The AH for the following reaction equals -89 kJ:
BrF, + Br2 - BrFs + 2 BrF
In addition, these two standard enthalpies of formation are known: BrF, = -941 kJ and BrFs = -840 kJ
Determine the AH; for Brf.
2. Here are all three data reactions written out in equation form:
and here is the target equation: 2Br2 +/F2 - Brf AH = ?
Br2+2F2 - Brf, AH = -941 kJ
Br2 +F2 - BrFs AH, = -840 kJ
BrF,+Bra - Brfs + 2 BrF AH = -89 kJ