Album 1 sold 540 CD copies and was downloaded 470 times. So, in total, it was sold
times. So, the percentage of CDs is
[tex]\dfrac{540}{1010}\cdot 100=53.5\%[/tex]
Similarly, the total of digital downloads is
Which means that the percentage represented by album 2 is
[tex]\dfrac{452}{922}\cdot 100=49\%[/tex]
Now, we already saw that album 1 sold [tex]53.5\%[/tex] of copied as CD, implying that the remaining [tex]46.5\%[/tex] are downloads. A similar computation for album 2 gives the following percentage of downloads:
[tex]\dfrac{452}{452+571}\cdot 100 = 44.18\%[/tex]
So, album 1 had the highest percentage of download selling.