karen raked 3/5 of the yard. Minni raked 1/3 of the amount karen did. How much of the yard did minni rake?, 3/8 of the pet shows are dogs. 2/3 of the dogs have long hair. What fraction of the pets are dogs with long hair?, Jason ran 5/7 of the distance around the school track. Sara ran 4/5 of jason's distance. What fraction of the total distance around the track did sara run?, A group of students attended a math club. Half of the students are boys and 4/9 of the boys have brown eyes. What fraction of the group are boys with brown eyes?, Veronicas mom left 3/4 of a cake on the table. Her brothers ate 1/2 of it. What fraction of the cake did they eat?, One lap around the school track is 5/8 mile. Carin ran 3 1/2 laps. How far did she run? TOTAL OF 6 QUESTIONS PLZ ANSWER MOM CANT HELP IN THE HOSPITAL. DAD DIED WHEN I WAS 1 YRS OLD.