Respuesta :
Celtic goddesses are all goddesses of power, war, and the afterlife. The Valkyries were warrior women who trained to fight in the Norse apocalypse, Ragnarok. The Celtic goddesses you talked about are symbolism of lady power and war, so they both share the same image of "strong independent awesome lady deities"
The Celtic goddesses Macha, Morrigan, and Badb are similar to the Valkyries in Norse mythology in the sense that the four are related to war and battle. The four were thought to appear in the form of birds, such as crows; to accompany single warriors; and to roam the battlefield.
They were different in the sense that, unlike the Celtic warrior-goddesses, the Valkyries had a particular job: to take to Valhalla (the Norse afterlife) the slain warriors chosen to fight at Ragnarok (the Norse apocalypse), and to serve them mead at the feasts of every night.
The Celtic goddesses Macha, Morrigan, and Badb were thought to be three sisters, the three with war and death related powers and abilities. The first associated directly with the field, the second to the death and anger and the third, to confusion and fear in the soldiers.
Where the exact number of the Valkyries is not quite definite, the Celtic goddesses are agreed on being three (sisters, in general), while sometimes they are also considered to be three aspects of an only goddess.