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1) Tetanus is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that affects the nerves

2)Tetanus causes painful muscle contractions, particularly in the jaw and neck. It can interfere with the ability to breathe, eventually causing death.

3)  infants and the elderly are most likely but every one can get it.

4) The tetanus vaccine is made by taking the tetanus toxin and inactivating it with a chemical. The inactivated toxin is called a "toxoid." Once injected, the toxoid elicits an immune response against the toxin

5) Tetanus antiserum was developed in 1890, with its protective effects lasting a few weeks. The tetanus toxoid vaccine was developed in 1924, and came into common use for soldiers in World War II.

6)CDC recommends tetanus vaccination for all babies and children, preteens and teens, and adults

7) After the initial tetanus series, booster shots are recommended every 10 years.

8)help your immune system protect against these infections

9)Reported tetanus cases have declined more than 95%, and deaths from tetanus have declined more than 99% in the United States since 1947.

10) although the tetanus vaccine can be a very rare cause of a short-lived allergic reaction called "anaphylaxis," the tetanus vaccine does not cause death so the benefits outweigh.

11)They are most commonly found in animal manure and contaminated soil, but may exist virtually anywhere.

Tetanus is a bacteria

The symptoms are muscle spasms and paralysis and or stiffness in muscles

Everyone can get tetanus

Vaccines work by adding a little of the bacteria so your immune system can get a little of tetanus to know how to defend against it.

The first vaccine was produced in 1924

everyone should receive it

you should get one every 10 years

This is important because tetanus is not rare and can cause life changing effects like paralysis

no there has been no real big changes as far as i know

People who vaccinate have a small risk of contracting tetanus from the shot, and people who don't vaccinate could get really bad if not life threatening cases of tetanus.

Yes Defiantly

im not sure about this one

Hope this helps!