Today, there are many computer categories. A(n) ________ is the category for the world's fastest computers. ________ computers are large, expensive devices capable of simultaneously processing data for thousands of users. Computers used by Google and Web service providers are classified as________. Personal computers come in several varieties. A(n)________ computer fits on a desk, runs on power from an electrical wall outlet, and can be housed in a horizontal case or vertical case. Three categories of portable computers include tablets, smartphones, and clam-shell style________ computers. Selecting a digital device requires consumers to select a platform based on form factor and operating system. MacOS is the operating system that runs on Apple laptops and ________ computers. The operating system for iPhones and iPads is ________ . The________ operating system from Microsoft runs on laptop and desktop PCs, whereas a derivative version is designed for tablets and phones. The open source community produces Linux for desktops and servers. This family of operating systems also includes Chrome OS, and________ , which is popular for tablets and smartphones.

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Speed is salient characteristic of supercomputers. The Mainframe computers are usually used by large companies and are very expensive with large processing capability. Servers enables thw possibility of establishing connections with service providers such as Google and other related companies. Desktop computers are those which aren't designed for portability or being easily carried around. The Laptops on the other hand are more compact and easily carried around. Mac are operating systems associated with Apple computers and iOS is the operating system used on iPhones and other Apple smart mobile devices. Windows is the me of the operating system used by Microsoft. Android is also a popular operating system used on smartphones.