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5000 BC

Demonstrating some understanding of inheritance, humans worldwide begin to selectively breed more useful varieties of livestock and crops, including wheat, maize, rice and dates

400 BC

Greek philosophers contemplate the mechanisms of human inheritance. Aristotle believes that traits acquired during life, such as injuries, can be passed to offspring. He also develops the theory of “pangenesis”, which attempts to explain how these traits are transmitted via particles called “gemules” to the reproductive cells


Charles Darwin, himself a proponent of pangenesis, publishes On the Origin of Species – his explanation of evolution by natural selection. Darwin provides a plethora of evidence on how valuable traits become more common in a population, but does not provide any explanation for the mechanism of transmission of these traits


Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel publishes his work on the patterns of inheritance in pea plants. His meticulous studies mark the birth of modern genetics. Mendel’s findings escape the notice of other researchers for over three decades


Chromosomes are discovered by German biologist Walter Fleming, and named with the Greek prefix meaning “colour” because they become stained when cells are dyed


Mendel’s research is rediscovered by botanists in 1900. US and German cell biologists then independently notice the link between Mendel’s “units of inheritance” and chromosomes. They conclude that hereditary information is contained within chromosomes


The term “genetics” is created by British biologist William Bateson. The terms “gene” and “genotype” surface in 1909.

Sex chromosomes are discovered following work on butterflies and beetles


US scientist Thomas Hunt Morgan is the first to discover a sex-linked trait, while studying the fruit fly Drosophila. The trait for eye colour, on the X chromosome, is also the first gene to be traced to a specific chromosome


Studies show that X-rays can induce mutations in the genetic material


A trio of US geneticists revisit work from the 1920s and prove that, in bacteria, DNA is the hereditary material, and not protein as was previously suspected


Clear X-ray diffraction images of DNA are captured for the first time by British researcher Rosalind Franklin


Building on Franklin’s work, biochemist James Watson and biophysicist Francis Crick at Cambridge University, UK, determine the now famous double-helix structure of DNA. They are awarded a Nobel prize in 1962 for their efforts.


Crick and South African geneticist Sydney Brenner report that trios of DNA bases – called nucleotides – each hold the instructions for one of the 20 amino acids that combine to form proteins


US researcher Herb Boyer uses enzymes to cut DNA and splice it into bacterial plasmids, which then replicate producing many copies of the inserted gene. This heralds the dawn of genetic engineering


Genetically modified bacteria produce the hormone insulin


The gene for an inherited disorder (Huntington’s disease) is mapped to a chromosome for the first time


Kary Mullis in the US develops the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which allows researchers to produce many millions of copies of DNA molecules in just a few hours


The international Human Genome Project begins, with the goal of sequencing the entire human genetic code

Gene therapy is used successfully for the first time, to treat a four-year-old girl with the rare hereditary immune disorder adenosine deaminase deficiency


FlavrSavr tomatoes, genetically modified to have a long shelf-life is the first GM product to go on sale in the US. GM tomato puree goes in sale in the UK in 1996


Baker’s yeast is the first (non-viral) genome to be completed, followed by the worm Caenorhabditis elegans in 1998 and then the plant Arabidopsis and fruit fly Drosophila in 2000


Completion of the draft human genome is jointly announced by US firm Celera Genomics and the Human Genome Project (an international public consortium). The full sequence – comprising 30,000 to 40,000 genes – is completed in 2003


A tropical fish that fluoresces bright red becomes the first genetically modified pet to go on sale in the US

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