It is because the load is in between fulcrum and effort making a longer effort arm than the load arm resulting to multiplication of force and a mechanical advantage of greater than 1.
The distance from the fulcrum to the effort is the effort arm where as the distance from the fulcrum to the load is the load arm.
The first class lever has a mechanical advantage that varies per the position of the load with respect to effort position from the fulcrum. They have the fulcrum at the middle. For example, a beam balance and a pliers. The formula to remember is FLE for easy categorization of the lever classes.
The second class lever , the load is at the middle.For example a wheel barrow and a bottle opener. In this class, the effort arm is longer than the load arm.The effort is force multiplication making the mechanical advantage to be greater than 1.
The third class of lever has effort in the middle.For example a spade or a knife.In this class effort arm is shorter than the load arm, causing change in direction of force. The effect is a mechanical advantage less than 1.