Suleyman the Magnificent was known for championing major changes during his rule. Which of the following was one of those major changes? A) Changing the name of Constantinople to Istanbul. B) Improvements in weaponry. C) Transforming the judicial system. D) Persecuting Christians and Jews.

Respuesta :


Transforming the judicial system.


The Turkish Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent (reigned 1520-1566) stood at the helm of the Ottoman Empire at the zenith of its power. He conquered Balkan lands in Europe, much of the Middle East and North Africa. The Ottoman navy dominated the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. He is also known for promoting major changes in taxation, education, criminal law and social issues. Together with his officials, he managed to conciliate the two sources of Ottoman law, the civil law or Sultanic law, and the Sharia, or Islamic law.