
Your boss has asked you to hand deliver five invitations to a special luncheon he is hosting. When you receive the
invitations, they have only first and last names but no addresses. You remember that they all live side by side in an
apartment building on Central Street. The boss left the following information with his assistant, but it is all you have. Time to
problem-solve to figure out who lives where!
This much you know for sure Carly has Greg as one next-door neighbor and the Joneses as her other next-door
neighbors. Now it's it up to you to figure out who lives in the other apartments. It may be helpful for you to draw five boxes
to use as a visual guide. Furthermore, writing names on your drawing in pencil will allow you to keep track of the neighbors
as you place them in their homes.
1 The Smiths live in the westernmost apartment, Louis lives in the easternmost
2. Leon has Mia as one next-door neighbor with TJ on the other side.
3. Both Tami and TJ live east of the Williamses.
4. TJ lives next door to the Browns
5. Tom lives west of the Garcias and east of Carly
6. Kris and Tami are next-door neighbors. The Garcias also live next to Tami but on the other side.
7. Nikki lives east of TJ.