Problem You Need to Solve for This Lab:
You are asked to write an app to keep track of a relatively small music library. The app should load song information from a data file once the app is started. It should allow user to view, add, remove, and search for songs. The app should save the data back to the same data file when the program exits.
What Your Program Should Do:
Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop) that will allow the user to
ï‚· Enter information for a new song
ï‚· Display information for all the songs in the database with index for each song
ï‚· Remove a song by index
ï‚· Search for songs by a certain artist
ï‚· Search for songs by a certain album
ï‚· Quit
For each song, you need to keep track of:
Allow the program to keep looping until user wants to quit. When the program starts, it should load the tasks from external file ("songs.txt") into memory. When user enters information about the new song, the program needs to read them in, save them in memory and eventually write them to the external data file ("songs.txt"). The file format could look like:
Stereo Hearts;Gym Class Heroes;3;34;The Papercut Chronicles II
Counting Stars;OneRepulic;4;17;Native
The ';' is used as a delimiter or field separator. Each record ends with a new line character.
Some Implementation Requirements:
Write at least four functions WITH arguments for this assignment.
Use struct named Song to model each song
Use array of structs to model the collection of songs.
Hint: In this assignment, some data fields may have multiple words in it. Therefore,
you now SHOULD read using the 3 argument version of get.
Watch out. When using the 3 argument version of get you need to make sure to
remove the delimiter or newline. Therefore, anytime you read (even a confirmation
message), make sure to eat the newline using cin.ignore(...)!
Make sure to have a delimiter written between each item in the file – like a newline.
This will be important when you read the information back from the file.
For submission, your data file should contain a sufficient set of test data. It should have test cases for same artist with multiple songs and same album with multiple songs in it.
Do-Not List:
No Global Variables (you can have global constants)
Do not use Classes or Linked Lists
You must use cstring and char arrays. (do not use )
No use of the stdio library (use iostream and fstream)
Instead of the string class, you will be using arrays of characters and the cstring library
No STL containers such as vector. You must implement your own array for this class.