1 <?php
2 if (isset($_GET["submit"])) {
3 echo "Welcome " . $_GET["name"];
4 }
5 ?>
8 <form method="get">
9 <input name="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter your name"/>
10 <button name="submit" type="submit">Submit</button>
11 </form>
13 <?php
14 ?>
Lines 1 - 5 check if the user has clicked on the submit button.
If the button has been clicked the a welcome message is
Lines 8 - 11 create a form to hold the text box and the submit button
Give the form a method attribute of value get [Line 8]
Give the input field a name attribute of value name and a
placeholder attribute of value Enter your name [Line 9]
Give the button a name attribute of value submit and a type
attribute of value submit [Line 10]
PS: Save the file as a .php file and run it on your server. Be sure to remove the line numbers before saving. A sample web page is attached to this response.