This begins with the gradual breaking down of the food in the mouth, by grinding the food substances with the teeth this is mastication, and the secretion of saliva, which moisten the food, soften it so that the salivary amylase enzyme, carried out the mechanical digestion.
Swallowing is a wavelike muscular contraction which involve the contraction of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the oesophagus, which pushes the bolus down to the stomach.
The food pass Oropharynx. While the epiglottis prevents the bolus from entering the trachea.
This is followed by the rolling up of the tongue, the pushing the broken down food now chyme towards the back of the mouth, pressing it against the soft palate. At this stage a bolus is formed.From here it is pushed into the throat,where it is pushed down the oesophagus by peristalsis.