The interpretation is incomplete, just states about one independent variable impact, ignores the other variables in the model.
Step-by-step explanation:
Regression states the relationship between independent variable (x's) & dependent variable (y). Hypothesis states the statistical significance of their relationships.
Given case multiple regression : y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b2x3 , where y = broadway plays revenue , x1= no. of paying attendants, x2 = no. of shows, x3 = average ticket price.
Null Hypothesis H0: b2 = 0; Alternate Hypothesis H1: b2 ≠ 0, denote whether x2 i.e 'no. of shows' significantly affect y i.e 'broadway plays revenue'.
However, the multiple regression model ignores effect of all other independent variables (x's - x1, x2, x3) affecting dependent variable (y - broadway plays revenue)