Respuesta :
The letter is below. The marketing supervisor's name used was made up. Appologies to anyone who happens to bear the exact name used on the letter. Likewise the address of the company used is fictitious.
Pinnacle Healthcare,
242 Connecticut,
Pear Consulting LLC
124 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA
Dear Ms. Mary K. Pear,
With regards to the telephone conversation we had on 9th April, 2020 regarding to your request health-care services from our company, I would like to request some information that would guide me towards directing you appropriately. I am Michael, the Marketing supervisor of Pinnacle Health-care you spoke on the phone on the said date. I would also like to thank you for indicating interest on the health-care services which we offer to businesses like yours.
In order to guide you to obtain the best group health insurance coverage for your employees in your business, I would like to use this medium to request for further information. This would enable me to give you a quote that would be commensurate with the kind of services you would get.
You should get back to me on the number of employees which this medical insurance would cover, when the coverage should begin, and should the policy include dental coverage in addition to medical. Also, would you prefer to subscribe to the HMO health plan or the PPO plan? The answers would definitively guide me in preparing a quote for you.
Also, I would like to schedule a meeting to be held on our office at 3:00pm on 30 May, 2020 based on the quote you would be offered to. This could only be possible if I get the answers to the information I requested above. If the above schedule is okay by you, do notify me. If it is not, you can make suggestions on the likely time and day that would be convenient for you.
I would look forward to your response to my request and do have a great day at work.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Dulman
For: Pinnacle Healthcare LLC