- The type of application that exist in Tablet Computers software.
- The price of the products that can be used as a substitute (such as notebooks or smartphones)
- The existence of competitors who produce similar tablet computers.
- The type of application that exist in Tablet Computers software.
When there are more applications exist in tablet computers, a lot of tasks that previously can only be done through desktop or laptop now can be done through the tablet instead.
This will attract more consumers to use the Tablet and cause the demand curve to the shift to the right.
- The price of the products that can be used as a substitute (such as notebooks or smartphones)
If the price of the substitute decreased, more people will opt to purchase this rather than the tablet. This will shift the demand curve of the tablet to the left.
- The existence of competitors who produce similar tablet computers.
Competitors will reduce the amount of costumers that a company could obtain for itself. This will also cause the demand curve to shift to the left.