Use the following method to complete the MRP tables:
Gross requirements of period-j (G_j) = Σ_k n_k* (PORelease_j of the parent-k) where nk = number of units of the item used in 1 unit of its parent-k
Scheduled receipts in period-j (SR_j): to be entered manually
Projected on-hand in period-j (I_j) = Max.(0, I_{j-1} + SR_j + POReceipt_j - G_j)
Net requirements in period-j (N_j) = Max.(0, G_j - SR_j - I_{j-1})
Planned order receipts of period-j (POReceipt_j): to be entered manually when there is a positive net requirement based on the lot size rule.
Planned order release of period-j (PORelease_j) = POReceipt_{j+L}