JPM Overnight Delivery is one of the premier providers of shipping and information services worldwide, competing against firms like FedEx and UPS. As it prepares its marketing plans for the years ahead, it will conduct a very thorough SWOT analysis. Your job is to look at (8) potential elements of JPM's SWOT analysis and determine which are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Your ability to properly categorize these elements in your own career will allow you to maximize the strengths and opportunities of your firm while also minimizing the weaknesses and threats.

Respuesta :


Introduction Applying a SWOT Analysis Read the overview and complete the activities that follow. PM Overnight Delivery is one of the premier providers of shipping and information services worldwide, competing against firms like FedEx and UPS. As it prepares its marketing plans for the years ahead, it will conduct a very thorough SWOT analysis. Your job is to look at (8) potential elements of JPM's SWOT analysis and determine which are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Your ability to properly categorize these elements in your own career will allow you to maximize the strengths and opportunities of your firm while also minimizing the weaknesses and threats.

CONCEPT REVIEW The evaluation of a firm's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is called a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis can be a valuable tool in the development of a marketing plan, but too often the SWOT analysis is not well thought out and proves to be an ineffective waste of time. Perhaps the most common mistake when conducting a SWOT analysis is the failure to separate internal issues from external issues. The strengths and the weaknesses aspects of the SWOT analysis focus on internal capabilities. The opportunities and threats aspects focus on the external environment.


Place each item in the appropriate element of the SWOT analysis:




  • Post Office Closings
  • JPM has superior information technology infrastructure
  • Increasing demand for international packages
  • JPM has excellent workforce and Human Resource department
  • Potential Global Economic recession
  • JPM has increasing labour costs
  • JPM has less fuel efficient planes
  • Increasing fuel cost due to turmoil in the middle east


  • Post Office Closings   STRENGTH
  • JPM has superior information technology infrastructure  STRENGTH
  • Increasing demand for international packages OPPORTUNITIES
  • JPM has excellent workforce and Human Resource department STRENGTH
  • Potential Global Economic recession THREAT
  • JPM has increasing labour costs THREAT
  • JPM has less fuel efficient planes WEAKNESS
  • Increasing fuel cost due to turmoil in the middle east THREAT


  1. Ability to close post office deals is a strenght
  2. superior information technology infrastructure puts them at an advantage. It means they would have faster,  cheaper and more efficient processes;
  3. increase in the demand for their services internationally is a very welcome opportunity to expand their current business and bottom line
  4. Potential Glocal Economic recession can cripple their business. Their business is an international one. Therefore they need to pay attention to whats happening globally
  5. Increase in labour costs means a reduction in bottom line.
  6. Less fuel efficient fuel planes means frieghting at added cost
  7. Increasing fuel costs due to turmoil in the middleast. If the cost keep rising, customers may no longer find it easy to offer their services at a cost effective price. Hence a threat to it's survival.
