Im sorry, but this website uses the english as official communication language.
But don't worry, I translated the question for you
"The universe have several types of celestial bodies. Choose two types and point out how similarities and differences exist between them?"
We can take into study the protostar and the white dwarf, which are periods of a stellar phase. The protostar is a "prototype" of a star, in other words, a object which will become a start if the mass is big enough. In reason of any disturbance in the molecular cloud from any event exterior from it, it may occur a fracture in the state of equilibrium of the cloud itself, where some regions can be denser than others. In those regions it might happen an agglomeration of matter which will originate the star core. While the protostar is the newborn star, the white dwarf is the elderly one. In astronomy, the white dwarf is a stelar reminiscence object. The white dwarf is highly dense and the mass it is similar to the sun, while the volume is the size of the Earth. But the weak luminescence comes from the thermal reserve power, since there's no fusion energy occurring anymore. Both are highly dense celestial bodies and emits high amounts of radiation into space, but they emits different amounts of radiation and they have different ages.