Diploblastic blastopore - gastrovascular cavity
Protostome blastopore - mouth
Deuterostome blastopore - anus
Blastopores are structural indentations formed on the embryo during the gastrulation stage and this develops into mouth or anus depending upon the type of the embryo.
Diplolbastic (cnidarians) blastopores develop into the gastrovascular cavity in organisms like hydra
Triploblasts with three embryonic germ layers includes acoelomates, eucoelomates, and pseudocoelomates and the blastopores transform accordingly.
The blastopores of the triploblastic eucoelomates like the protosomes (mollusks, arthropods, annelids) transforms to the mouth, denoting ‘mouth first’; while that of the deuterostomes (chordates) transform to anus, denoting ‘mouth second’.