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Legislator sees the need for a new law or changes in existing law and decides to introduce a bill.
Legislator goes to Office of Legislative Counsel*. There, attorney advises legislator on legal issues and drafts a bill. *LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL The full-time legislative staff agency consisting of attorneys who provide a variety of legal services to members of the General Assembly. The chief responsibility of the Office of Legislative Counsel is to assist members who desire to introduce a bill by researching the proposed law and then drafting the bill in proper format.
Legislator files bill with the Clerk of the House* or Secretary of the Senate**. *CLERK OF THE HOUSE The chief staff officer of the House of Representatives. The Clerk is not a legislator but rather a full-time official who duties include receiving, numbering, and printing copies of all bills and resolutions introduced in the House; recording all committee reports and floor votes on measures; and maintaining the official record of legislative action in the House. **SECRETARY OF THE SENATE The chief staff officer of the Senate and counterpart to the Clerk of the House. The Secretary is not a legislator but rather a full-time official who duties include receiving, numbering, and printing copies of all bills and resolutions introduced in the Senate; recording all committee reports and floor votes on measures; and maintaining the official record of legislative action in the Senate.
3.On legislative day after filing, bill is formally introduced. In chamber, bill’s title* is read during period of 1st readings. *BILL TITLE The formal introduction of a bill, required by the Georgia Constitution, that shows the sections of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated that are affected by the bill and the principal subject matter of the bill. The title prefaces the main body of a bill, and is always founded preceding the phrase, “Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia.” It is the title of the bill that is read aloud in the chamber.
Immediately after 1st reading, presiding officer assigns bill to a standing committee*. *STANDING COMMITTEE One of a group of permanent legislative committees in each house that study bills that have been introduced and make recommendations to the full house as to whether such bills should be supported. Standing committees are organized around functional areas (e.g., agriculture, education, and health). Generally, no bill can be considered on the floor of a house until reported favorably from standing committee. The list of standing committees is provided for in the rules of each house. Officers and members of standing committees are named by the presiding officer of each house.
In the House only, on next legislative day, Clerk reads bill’s title (2d reading) in chamber, although actual bill is now in committee. In Senate, 2d reading comes after bill is reported favorably from committee.
Bill considered by committee. Author and other legislators may testify. If controversial, public hearings may be held.
Bill is reported favorably by committee and returned to Clerk or Secretary.
Clerk or Secretary prepares a General Calendar* of bills favorably reported from committee. For first 10 days of session in House (15 days in the Senate) presiding officer calls up bills from this calendar for floor action. *GENERAL CALENDAR A daily listing of bills and resolutions that have been reported favorably from committee and are ready for floor consideration. The general calendar is prepared throughout the session and governs the daily agenda in the House and Senate until the rules calendar takes over.
Starting with 10th day of session in House (15th day in Senate), the Rules Committee meets and from bills on General Calendar prepares a Rules Calendar* for the next day’s floor consideration. *RULES CALENDAR The daily legislative agenda prepared from bills and resolutions on the general calendar by the rules committee in each house. The rules calendar is in effect in the House and Senate for the last 25 days of a regular session.
For the last 30 days of session in House (25 days in Senate), presiding officer calls up bills, from the Rules Calendar for floor consideration.
Once presiding officer calls bill up from Rules Calendar, Clerk reads bill’s title (3d reading). Bill is now ready for floor debate, amendments, and voting.
After debate, main question* is called and members vote. If bill is approved by majority of total membership of that house, it is sent to the other house. *MAIN QUESTION In parliamentary procedure, the principal issue before a house – as opposed to amendments and procedural motions. In the House and Senate, a call for the main question is a motion to vote on final passage of a bill or resolution as amended.