Conversion cost to be included in the numerator=$3735
Equivalent units are used to apportion cost between completed units and work in progress. They represent notional whole units which represent incomplete work.
Valuation of inventory suing weighted average method
Under this method, no distinction is made between opening inventory and units newly introduced in the current period when accounting for completed units.
Completed units are assumed to be items for which work were started and completed this period, i.e 100% work is assumed to be done in the current period.
Calculation of conversion cost
Cost per E.U = (Cost b/f forward + Costs current period)/ Total E.Us
Total conversion cost = =$3,385 + 350 = $3735
Conversion cost to be included in the numerator=$3735
Conversion cost per E.U ( this not part of question requirement
= ($3,385 + $ 350)/1,660 E.Us
= $2.25