1. Lava.
2. Limpia.
3. Duerme.
4. Se junta.
In this exercise you have to complete the blanks according to what you can guess by contex. For example, in "1" says "su ropa" so you can complete this blank with a verb like "lavar" (to wash) or planchar (iron). Then in "2" says "todo su departamento" so we can deduce by context that you have to complete the blank with a verb like "ordenar" (order) or "limpiar" (clean). Then, "4" says "con sus amigas y se van a bailar" so we can deduce that María sleeps a lot because she goes out with her friends and they go to dance. So the blank in "3" could be filled with a verb like "dormir" (to sleep) and "4" can be completed with a verb like "salir" (go out) or "se junta" (get together).