Over the past 2 months, a client has been receiving treatment for multiple ear infections and tonsillitis. The client reports vaginal discharge and itching. What is likely the cause of the client's vaginitis?

Respuesta :

Answer: Candida Albicans

Explanation: Candida Albicans or Yeast Infection presents symptoms which include a white cottage cheese like discharge, itching and sometimes a foul smell. Yeast infection sometimes develops in women who have taken antibiotics. A longer course of antibiotics such as this client has taken can increase the risk of developing Yeast Infection. The vagina has yeast fighting bacteria which can be killed off while taking antibacterial medication.


Candida albicans


Candida albicans  is a microflora  that habituate  the gastrointestinal tracts, mouth and Vaiginal in human.They live on human host with commercialism relationship. They belong to the  yeast  family. They can  can abandon the commensalism association, and be  pathogenic if the immune system of the host is compromised, which leads to rise in population in the host and cause of infection.This explains the reason why they are the cause Candidiasis  in HIV-patients.

Based on the question the client is suffering from Genital yeast infection  caused by Candida Albicans.

It arises when its population  overgrow  the number of Lactobacillus  bacterial which suppresses  its population in the genitals. it may also be contracted during sexual contact with infected partner especially oral -contact with the genitals.

Overuse of antibiotics , compromised immune system,  use of anti-pregnancy pills, pregnancy  are some of the risk factors.

Symptoms include itching around  the genitals, discharge, as experienced by the client, painful penetration ,swelling around her reproductive organs etc.

Fungal medications as cream.pills can be used for the treatment.