For each government-insured loan, determine who is in the best situation to use that loan. Carol and Tom are purchasing property in rural Florida to raise livestock, and they have saved a 3% down payment. Sam and Alex have saved a 6% down payment and want to purchase their first home. Jillian is a veteran looking to purchase her first home, but she doesn’t have a down payment. Josiah is ready to purchase a home and has a 20% down payment. Kameron recently received an inheritance from his grandfather that is enough to purchase a home with cash. VA loan arrowRight FHA loan arrowRight USDA loan arrowRight

Respuesta :

Answer would be jillian with no down payment!

Answer:  VA: Jillian is a veteran looking to purchase her first home, but doesnt have a down payment.

FHA: Sam and Alex have saved a 6% down payment and want to purchase their first home.

USDA: Carol and Tom are purchasing property in rural Florida to raise livestock, and they have saved a 3% down payment

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