Respuesta :
Answer: 101 AD
Start of Trajan's Dacian Wars against King Decebalus. Battle of Tibiscum.
101 AD
Death of the historian Flavius Josephus.
106 AD
Trajan captures the city of Petra.
106 AD
Annexation of the province of Arabia Petraea by Trajan.
107 AD
The kingdom of Dacia is annexed by Trajan.
109 AD
The Roman writer Tacitus completes The Annals of Imperial Rome and The Histories.
113 AD
Annexation of Armenia as a province by Trajan. Trajan's column is built in Rome. Death of the Roman historian Pliny the Younger, in Bithynia.
114 AD
The Arch of Trajan is completed in Beneventum.
114 - 118 AD
Revolt of the Jews in Cyrenaica, Egypt and Cyprus.
116 AD
Conquest of much of Parthia by Trajan. The Roman Empire reaches its greatest size, 3.5 million square miles, and an estimated 60 million people.
117 AD
Battle of Hatra, Trajan fails in the siege attempt and retires from the eastern campaign.
117 AD
Death of Trajan, accession of Hadrian.
118 AD
Hadrian cancels public debt withdraws from Trajan's eastern conquests and partial withdrawal from Dacia.
120 AD
Death of the great Roman historian Tacitus.
121 AD
Beginning of Hadrian's travels throughout the empire.
121 AD
Birth of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius in Rome.
122 AD
Death of the Roman historian Suetonius.
122 AD
The construction of Hadrian's Wall is started .
123 AD
The Roman Pantheon is rebuilt by Hadrian. A Moorish revolt takes place in the province of Mauretania.
125 AD
Hadrian returns to Rome.
126 AD
Birth of the Emperor Publius Helvius Pertinax, in the town of Alba Pompeia Liguria.
128 AD
Completion of the original stretch of Hadrian's Wall.
132 AD
The Jewish revolt of Simeon Bar-Kochba takes places.
133 AD
Birth of the Emperor Julianus.
135 AD
Birth of the Emperor Pescennius Niger, in Italy.
135 AD
The Bar-Kochba revolt is suppressed.
138 AD
Death of Hadrian, Accession of Antoninus Pius as the new emperor.
139 AD
The British Brigantes tribe are defeated by Lollius Urbicus.
140 AD
The emperor Antoninus Pius institutes the Puellae Faustinianae, a charity foundation for daughters of the poorer people of Rome.
142 AD
Construction of the Antonine Wall is completed in Caledonia.
145 AD
Birth of the Emperor Albinus, in the town of Hadrumentum.
146 AD
Birth of the future emperor L. Septimius Severus near Leptis Magna, in Africa.