Proofread the following paragraph for consistency, and correct any unnecessary shifts. You may want to omit some words or phrases.
Many people think recycling material is a modern trend. However, during World War II, more than 43 percent of American’s newsprint was recycled, and the average person saved bacon grease and other meat fat, which they returned to local collection centers. What you would do is pour leftover fat and other greasy gunk from frying pans and pots into tin cans. Today despite the fact that many people are recycling, a little more than half of Americans’ waste is actually recycled. The problem is not to get us to save bottles and cans but to convince industry to use more recycled materials. There is a concern expressed by manufacturers that they would be using materials of uneven quality and will face undependable delivery. If manufacturers would wake up and smell the coffee, they would see the advantages for the country and bigger profits could be made by them.