Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved (in principle) by VVC?A. A change from non-survival to survival surgeryB. A change in the principal investigatorC. A change in the specific objectives for the projectD. A change in the analgesic agent administered

Respuesta :

Answer: “Why are we wasting energy trying to distinguish between a minor amendment and

a major amendment?” asked Joanie Green,

the new IACUC senior administrator at

Great Eastern University. It seemed to her

that if there was a request to add a procedure to a protocol it was to be considered

an amendment, nothing more or less. “Are

you saying that adding a small subcutaneous

implant is as important as adding a cardiac

valve replacement?” asked Bob Thorne, a

clinical veterinarian. Green responded that

it had nothing to do with the level of difficulty or risk to an animal, but whether

or not there was a need for IACUC review.