Create a research strategy that identifies the five best digital library collections for jazz music between the years 1940 and 1975. The jazz music may be archived as streaming music or sheet music. Rate and rank these collections based on breadth of jazz-related citations, kind of access (free or pay-per-use), private or public access, and user-friendliness of its user interface.

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The World Digital Library makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in a multilingual format, important fundamental materials from cultures around the world. The objectives of the World Digital Library are: Promote international and intercultural understanding; Expand the quantity and variety of cultural content on the Internet; Provide resources to educators, scholars and the general public; Allow partner institutions to reduce digital distance within and between countries.

The European Library is designed to meet the needs of the research community around the world. The online portal offers quick and easy access to the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe, and leading Research Libraries in Europe. Users can cross-search and reuse more than 28,627,026 digital objects and 175,511,348 bibliographic records.

The Digital Public Library of America gathers the wealth of libraries, archives and museums in the United States, and makes them freely available to the world. The DPLA aims to expand this crucial area of ​​openly available materials, and make those riches more easily discovered and more widely usable and used.

Europeana has more than 50 million works of art, artifacts, books, videos and sounds from all over Europe. Its material comes from all over Europe and its objective is to facilitate you to find inspiration, to investigate or simply to satisfy your desire to browse.

The Virtual Library of Andalusia is defined as an organized set of digitized collections of Andalusian bibliographic heritage accessible through the Internet. The Virtual Library of Andalusia is specially oriented to give access to public domain works, not subject to copyright, and that are considered Andalusian by a triple criterion: Because they are works of Andalusian author or linked to Andalusia, for being of subject or content related to Andalusia and / or for being printed or published in Andalusia.