Respuesta :
Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. People settled there because the area in these river valleys for fertile and allowed them to develop different labors and civilizations.
- The ancient Egyptians called their river simply the Great River.
- According to the Bible, it was on the banks of the Euphrates that the Garden of Eden was located where the Lord settled Adam and Eve. According to the archaeologist's research, the Euphrates was the cradle of Sumerian civilization, which bestowed holy literacy. These included the first cities of the past, such as the Urdu site of the biblical patriarch Abraham, and many centuries after between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, the famous Babylon and the notorious Assyria were erected.
- In ancient times, the Ind river was called Sindku, which means the Great River in disguise. It was the cradle of the oldest Indian civilization conquered by Indo-Aryans.
- Area around Yellow River developed into the Chinese state..Chinese civilization gave the world a wheel, a paper, a compass, a skin , porcelain, gunpowder.
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