
I have been driving for nearly 30 years, and I have time and again seen people take
dangerous chances with their cars just to save a few seconds. I am talking about passing
on the right on a two-lane road. This is a dangerous practice, in which a driver passes a
turning car, in a non-existent “right lane.” More often than not, that phantom “right lane”
is not just a narrow shoulder. It’s a jogging, walking, or biking lane. I’ve often observed
this reckless way of driving along Independence Blvd and Cicero Ave in some very busy
sections of town.
(What is the writer's reaction to the practice of cars passing on the right?)
A.The writer is ambivalent about cars passing on the right.
B.The writer is strongly against cars passing on the right.
C.The writer strongly favors the practice of cars passing on the right.
D.The writer proposes increasing enforcement of the law against passing on the right.