Marketing is all about the ability to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Marketing strategies are important and should be developed for a business to satisfy consumer needs. The target market consists of groups of people or organizations for whom the business intends to implement its marketing strategies. The business then divides the target market into groups of buyers with traits, distinct needs, characteristics or behaviors; these groups are called market segments. Market segments are, therefore, subsets of target markets and their characteristics bring out the characteristics of target markets.
Market Responsiveness
Consumers in a given market segment should espond to the products meant for them. Unless consumers in market segments are willing to respond to the products developed, there is little reason to develop these products. The success of products introduced in the markets depends on whether they meet consumer or organization needs. Consumers’ decisions on whether to purchase or not to purchase will be an indicator of the performance of the product in the market.
In this case the lack of reponse makes it obviously clear the performance of the product