
Dobla a la avenida Hidalgo. Luego cruza la calle Independencia y dobla a la derecha. Lo siento, tengo que ir a entregar un paquete. Necesito ir a una joyería, pero la que está aquí al lado está cerrada. Tengo que llegar al Museo de Antropología antes de que lo cierren. Hay demasiado tráfico.

Respuesta :


Turn on to Hidalgo Avenue. Then cross Independence Street and turn right. Sorry, I have to go deliver a package. I need to go to a jewelry store, but the one next to it is closed. I have to get to the Museum of Anthropology before they close it. There is too much traffic.


Turn to Hidalgo Avenue. Then cross Independence Street and turn right. Sorry, I have to go deliver a package. I need to go to a jewelry store, but the one next to it is closed. I have to get to the Museum of Anthropology before they close it. There is too much traffic.
