Time is an important variable in many psychological concepts. Describe a specific example that clearly demonstrates an understanding of each of the following concepts and how it relates to or is affected by time. Use a different example for each concept: critical period, fluid intelligence, Piaget's theory of cognitive development, moral reasoning, presentation of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in classical conditioning, refractory period in neural firing, sound localization, spontaneous recovery, and self-concept.

Respuesta :

A critical period is a stage in life of an organism during which the nervous system is especially sensitive to certain environmental stimuli.

Fluid Intelligence is the ability to solve new problems immediately, that is, it flows with dexterity, almost instinctively, automatically, at any given moment.

Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children go through four different stages of mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge, but also on the very nature of intelligence.

Moral Reasoning points out that through a maturational and interactive process, everyone has the capacity to reach full moral competence.

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually triggers a conditioned response.

In classical conditioning, the unconditioned response is the naturally occurring response in response to the unconditioned stimulus. For example, if the smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus, the feeling of hunger in response to the smell of food is the unconditioned response.

Refractory Period delayed response interval that occurs when two stimuli are presented in immediate succession.

Sound Localization is the ability to determine the location of a sound.

Spontaneous recovery refers to the reappearance of the conditioned response after a rest period or less response period. If conditioned stimulus unconditioned stimulus are not associated, extinction.

Self-Concept  is a term that has a long history in psychology. William James, one of the fathers of psychology, distinguished in 1892 between the "I" as the knowing inner instance (I as knower) and the "self" as the individual's knowledge of himself.