The three debates would be:
States vs Federal Government - some people argue that decisions should be made by the states, while others think that decisions should be made by the Federal Government. For example, legalization of marihuana has taken place in some states, but not a the federal level.
President vs Congress - with time, the president of the United States has gotten more and more power over congress. For example, according to the U.S. Constitution, only congress can declare war, and congress has not declared war since 1942 (when it did so against Japan), however, this has not stopped presidents from sending troops to several countries such as Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.
Representative democracy vs direct democracy - Some democracies are representative: people elect members of congress and they take decisions. Other countries have direct democracy, where citizens take decisions themselves. For example, in Switzerland, most laws go through a referendum before being passed. A referendum is a votation in which citizens vote not for candidates, but for the approval or disapproval of an specific proposal. For example, people are asked whether they want a new tunnel in their area, and they vote for "yes" or "no".