

doesn't need to be a paragraph at least 3 - 5 sentences

Evolution is sometimes a controversial topic. Write a paragraph (minimum 5 short paragraphs) including the following:
What is your opinion about evolution?
Do you think there should be a controversy?
Do you think alternatives to evolution should be taught in schools?
Why or why not?

Respuesta :

(Hey! I know this was like, a year ago but I think this is a really interesting question and I'm really excited to answer it.)

    Evolution will always be a very controversial topic. And I feel as though we should go over why before getting into anything else. Evolution can contradict a lot of religious beliefs. So if someone were to be religious, they may not believe in evolution and would rather believe in other things instead. Religion itself is a very touchy subject for most so it's only natural that evolution would be as well.

    So now that we've covered why it is so controversial let's talk about personal opinions. My opinion on evolution is that it is correct. If you do not have the same beliefs as me, that is perfectly fine! But by getting into the topic, it stirs up a lot of negativity and toxicity. Both sides of the argument are very toxic to take part in. Personally I believe that the controversy should be stopped and that everybody should agree to disagree rather than bash people for their beliefs.

    Even though I believe in evolution I also agree that there should be substitutes. Whether the theory of evolution goes against your religion or just personal beliefs I definitely believe that there should be some substitutes. If you don't want you or your child to be taught this theory, that is entirely respectable and you deserve to be able and have that choice rather than be forced to only learn one thing.

    As a summary, evolution is very controversial because of personal beliefs and opinions that usually stem back to religion. I personally believe in evolution. And I respect if you do not but I do not respect the toxicity coming from both sides and I believe everyone should silently disagree instead of insulting others. And if you or your child wants to learn something other than evolution in school you absolutely have that right as a parent or student.

Evolution is one of the controversial topics. Evolution is a continuous process, which shows changes throughout the years. I feel that evolution contradicts many religious beliefs and customs. The religious person will not believe in evolution. The widespread rejection of journalists, educators, and scientists for evolution has led to controversy. The controversy lies within 'religion vs. evolution.'

The personal opinion on evolution involves point views and thought to process. My opinion of evolution is that it is a scientific process and is the result of millions of years of changes. These are my point views, and involving in such controversy is toxic and brings up negativity. The debate on evolution is never-ending, as the fight between religion and science has been going on for years. Thus, I believe that the controversy should be stopped and the bash between religion and science should be neglected.

Since I believe in evolution, I also agree that there should be some arguments. The theory of evolution does not support religious beliefs, and thus, there should be some substitutes. The theory of evolution is open to all, such that each person has the freedom of choice to accept or neglect the theory. It is completely respectable if a person chooses to not support the theory, and one cannot force others to follow the theory.

In summary, I would conclude that evolution is a controversial topic because it involves the conflicts of religion and scientific facts. The involvement in such debate brings toxicity and negativity. The child or an individual is free to choose and accept the theory of evolution, and we cannot force others to follow the same.

To know more about evolution, refer to the following link: