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A number of very practical innovations took place, especially in the field of agriculture. Improved methods of irrigation allowed more land to be cultivated, and new types of mills and turbines were used to reduce the need for labor (though slavery was still very common in both the countryside and cities). Crops and farming techniques were adopted from far-flung neighboring cultures. Rice, cotton, and sugar were taken from India, citrus fruits from China, and sorghum from Africa. Thanks to Islamic farmers, these crops eventually made their way to the West. Such Islamic innovation would continue, even as the Abbasid government fell into chaos.

- Excerpt from “The Abbasid Dynasty: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization” by the Saylor Foundation

What would be the impact that agricultural innovation had on on the Islamic empires during the Abbasid dynasty?
A) growth of cities and population
B) increased competition with the West
C) decreased trade with non-Islamic empires
D) less hybrid crops and cultural diffusion