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In the 19th century, both literary nationalism and musical nationalism were important in Russia. Tchaikovsky's music was an important influence in building this sense of nationalism in the arts in Russia (Frolova-Walker, 2007). Tchaikovsky's piece called Romeo and Juliet has sad, dark undertones which Taylor (2016) says is a reflection of melancholic themes that are associated with Russian folk culture.


Intellectual elites were responsible for creating literature and music that reflected Russian folk culture as a way to promote nationalism and Russian identity during Tchaikovsky's time. Tchaikovsky was friends with a group of composers and musicians called the Mighty Kuchka, and they would use the protyazhnaya folk genre in their music. The gloomy and sorrowful mood of this music is also reflected in Russian literature. Tchaikovsky was able to mix Russian themes of melancholy with Western musical characteristics, thus bringing a Russian national identity and cultural distinctiveness into the Western sphere so that Europeans would also come to recognize Russian distinctiveness.